help your students master the 8 parts of speech

(even if you don't have extra class time)

Start engaging your students with interactive (and fun) ways to master the 8 parts of speech and become confident writers!

Enter your name and email and I’ll send The 5 Steps to Helping Your Students Master the 8 Parts of Speech (with FREEBIES for every step) straight to your inbox!

How I can help you

From creating beautiful learning environments to developing creative classroom management strategies to making grammar just a little more fun and understandable, I’m here to help YOU!


Come read all my tips, tricks, and DIY ideas that will have your students begging to stay in your classroom just a little longer. 


Visit my store and see all the resources available that will make your classroom instruction come to life!


Meet me on Instagram and Facebook for daily teacher tips, exclusive FREEBIES, and a positive, encouraging teacher community. 

Hi, I'm Lauren!

I help upper elementary teachers like you engage their students with meaningful grammar lessons and ideas without having to spend a lot of time or money.

You’re in the right place if:

  • you like DIY classroom ideas that don’t break the bank (or take hours to prep).
  • you want your students to be full of excitement and wonder each day they enter your room.
  • you want grammar and writing lessons that engage your students in a ways that lead to true understanding,  mastery, and retention.

I've Got Your Back

[If you’re ready for confident grammar students] If you’re ready to stop struggling with missing commas, incorrect capitalization, wrong homophone usage, and lack of understanding of the 8 parts of speech by your students, then you’re in the right place. 

With the 5 Steps to Help Your Students Master the Parts of Speech, I’ll give you teaching tips for each step and freebies for each of the 5 steps so that you can implement them in your classroom TODAY!

So when you sign up, I’ll send you the guide to help your students become observant readers and confident writers all by starting with identifying the parts of speech (and don’t worry- we make it really fun!)

Seriously, you can’t do this wrong!

From The Blog

Start engaging your students with interactive (and fun) ways to master the 8 parts of speech and become confident writers!

Enter your name and email and I’ll send The 5 Steps to Helping Your Students Master the 8 Parts of Speech (with FREEBIES for every step) straight to your inbox!

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